Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: Our Personal Favorites!

Between holiday preperations, commissioned work, the kiddos and Mike being sick sick sick, December was a quiet time in blogland for us but really it was anything but! We had a nice and enjoyable Christmas day just relaxing, napping and snacking :) I'm anxious for things to now get back to normal and back on track! Hope everyone's Christmas was enjoyable and peaceful, spending it with those you love.

Being that 2012 is right around the corner (literally), we thought it would be nice to have a little recap of our favorites during 2011.

And last but not least, our very favorite creation...
who is now THIS!

Amazing what a difference only 6 months can bring let alone an entire year.

To all our family, friends and fans out there, here's to 2012. A whole new year of accomplishments, goals, hopes and dreams.

Cheers to the New Year!


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