Monday, January 16, 2012

Yay To 500 Giveaway!!! and a ...whole lotta other}

If you've followed along with us since the beginning you will know that reaching 500 followers is kind of a big deal for us. We were stagnant for... a while. We are pretty laid back over here and tend to go at our own pace, which can be a snail's pace at time's. I've gone back and forth on where I want this blog to go. Furniture only? Get personal? Yes. No. Yes. No.

A while back I somewhat reluctantly started posting our pieces on linky parties and things starting taking root. In doing this, I've "met" fellow bloggers and furniture enthusiasts that I wouldn't have met otherwise. We have formed relationships with those of you out there in blogland and have been encouraged by many.

 If you haven't noticed, I am kinda sorta shy to the whole getting personal on a blog type thing. The getting personal thing kinda sorta scares me. Actually. It freaks me out to tell you the truth. Why? It's frightening to me, the thought of other's "knowing" me. Being able to judge me, see me. So why am I opening this window and letting you in? Well. Because it's time. 2011 was a year of change for us which I've come to learn isn't so bad. Two of those big changes was adding a baby to the mix and our new business venture with Christa. Both these changes have made our lives just that much better. I very hesitantly first posted about Ozzy here. I received so many nice emails and comments in response that I was glad to have shared my personals.  

I want to thank those of you for your kind words regarding our ebook being published. It means the world to Christa and us. Being that this project literally took hundreds of hours of work and preparation, we are relieved that it wasn't all for nought. Before Christa approached us on partnering for the book, we had given thought to posting how-to tutorials or to do an ebook on furniture refinishing. When it came down to it, because this is our livelihood and are always so busy, we didn't have the time to do what it would've taken for either so both were kept on the back burner and who knows if either would've ever happened. Because Christa is who she is, and does it so well, we have been able to share what we love through this book all the while supporting a family. That we have people out there supporting us and who appreciate what we have done is encouraging. 

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

I am truly looking forward to this new year. To new business ventures. To meeting new friends. To sharing new projects. To a new(er) blog. To change. Here's to getting personal and here's to 500 followers! :)

anyways, blah blah blah. On to the GIVEAWAY!
One winner will receive our ebook, Guide to Furniture Finishes.
 I will use a random number generator to determine the winner Sunday, Jan. 22nd.
(if you have already purchased a copy and are selected, we will refund you!)

In order to enter you MUST be a follower of the blog, google reader or RSS feed and leave a comment on this post saying so.
for 3 additional entries,
• Like our Facebook page {HERE} and leave a comment on this post saying so. 
• Post about the giveaway on your blog with a link directing people here and leave a comment on this post saying so.
• Post about the giveaway on your Facebook page with a link directing people here and leave a comment on this post saying so.

Have you read our book and like what it has to offer to those interested in creating custom finishes? Wanna receive some mula by recommending it? Our affiliate program is easy, and pays $5 per book sold because of you! Promote the book on your Facebook, twitter, blog or Pinterest and leave our linkable button on your site for residual traffic and income.
 Easy step-by-step instructions to become an affiliate can be found {HERE}.

Later on today or tomorrow, I will be posting a dresser in a navy blue with brass hardware. Excited to finally have another project to share so

Also, wanted to give a shout out to the following blogs for featuring our pieces in the past few weeks. Better late then never :)
Michelle @ {PRIMP}

Thank you ladies!


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